Everything a dad should know on how to build a camp fire

At some point in my life, I will be building camp fires so I figured I should learn early or at least collect videos to show me basics of how to build camp fire.

How to build a camp fire
Here is a short video with basic tips from an expert.  Dr. T. Scott Cook has a degrees in Recreational Leadership and Outdoor Adventure from Greenfield Community College and the University of Massachusetts.

How to build a long lasting camp fire, a log cabin versus self feeding
Here is another interesting video about making cam fire that last most of the night so do not have to wake up in the middle of the night to feed the fire.  I do not expect to go on long camping trips but its a good knowledge to have.

How to arrange wood for a camp fire
So where do you start?  Here is a nice tutorial on how to properly arrange wood for the camp fire.  It also talks about types of fire you want to build [log type, log cabin fire, teepee fire] .  This is really helpful and easy to understand.  This is presented by John Stewart [an Eagle Scout with the Boy Scouts of America and has instructed boy scouts on climbing, outdoor skills, pioneering, wilderness survival and kayaking for the past nine years].

How to make a smokeless camp fire
While watching these cam fire video tips, I found out that there are a lot of thing to learn!  Initially, my expectation was just to learn how to build a fire.  Then after few videos, I started asking my self a lot of questions.  One of them is how to make a fire smokeless!  I am glad someone made a video on how to actually reduce or eliminate the smoke around the camp fire.

Camp fire safety tips
Of course, this lesson is not complete without the most important part of building camp fires:  Safety.  I would caution everyone to make sure they are aware of camp fire safety tips before even starting a fire.  Building a fire is easy but make sure you know how to kill it.

If I missed important tips, please share them here by pasting the Youtube URL in the comment section and it should appear as an embedded video.

on Sunday, May 1, 2016 | | A comment?
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